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彭建刚,易昊,童磊 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院 湖南 长沙410079) 
中文关键词:宏观审慎管理  压力测试  系统性金融风险  逆周期调节
The New Thought of Financial Stress Test Based on the Prevention of Systemic Financial Risk
Abstract:Macro-prudential regulation reflects the development trends of financial risk management and macro stress test is an important tool to realize the Macro-prudential regulation and prevention of systemic financial risk. Macro stress test can assess potential influence of macroeconomic fluctuation on test object, so as to realize the early warning of financial systemic risk in macro-prudential regulation system. Macro-prudential regulation framework gives stress test more connotation. Macro stress testing based on the prevention of systematic risk has profound connotation, which should focus on the pro-cyclical effects of the financial industry, asset correlations of financial institutions and endogenous factors of systemic financial risks.
keywords:Macro-prudential regulation  stress test  systemic financial risk  countercyclicality adjustment
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