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乔清举 (南开大学 哲学学院天津300071) 
中文关键词:朱熹  冯友兰  哲学  境界
On the Spiritual Sphere Theory of Chu Hsi
Abstract:Up to the present, in researching Zhu Xi’s philosophy, the paradigm adopted by the academic circle of history of Chinese philosophy is a mode of thinking of the bifurcation of subject and object advocated by European philosophers from the modern times. Such kind of research, laying excessive stress on Zhu Xi’s “investigation of things” and taking it mainly as a recognition problem of subject to object, neglects the Chinese characteristics of Zhu Xi’s philosophy. In this paper, I will try to conduct my research through breaking away from the mode of thinking of the bifurcation of subject and object and making use of Fung Yu-lan’s theory of spiritual sphere. In my opinion, Zhu Xi’s expounding on the movement of Dao or principle, on benevolence, on the joy of Confucius and Yanzi and his theory of super moral autonomy that whenever one makes an moral behavior he makes it by the instruction of his mind which is identified with principles after long arduous moral efforts, are all belong to the heavenly sphere of Fung Yu-lan. This sphere, being the aesthetical identification of subject and object, reveals the transcend aspect of Zhu’s philosophy.
keywords:Chu Hsi  Fung Yu-lan  philosophy  spiritual sphere
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