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方旭东 (华东师范大学 哲学系 上海200241) 
中文关键词:邵雍  朱子 以物观物  工夫  实践原则
On Shao Yong's Doctrine of “Observing Things”: ——Thinking from the Criticism of Chu His
Abstract:It's difficult to agree with Zhu Xi on that Shao Yong's doctrine of “Observing Things” close to Buddhism or Taoism, because the idea of “Observing Things Through Things” origins in the Commentaries on The Book of Change rather than Buddhism or Taoism. By the terms of Like and Dislike, Zhu Xi succeeded in finding the correlation between the idea of “Observing Things through Things” and Confucian Classics. The comparisons Zhu Xi did indicate that the statement “Observing Things through Things” is mainly not epistemological but ethical and practical.
keywords:Shao Yong  Chu Hsi  Observing Things through Things  epistemological  practical reason
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