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潘建 (湖南商学院 外国语学院 英语语言文学研究所湖南 长沙410205 ) 
中文关键词:弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫  女性历史  失语  追寻  “众声喧哗”
From Logagnosia to Heteroglossia: Virginia Woolf’s Tracking Down Women’s History
Abstract:Virginia Woolf once says in her famous lecture——“Woman And Fiction”——that the British history is man’s history, not woman’s. All her life, she is trying to track down and reconstruct the woman’s history, especilly that of literature. This thesis is to discuss and analyze Woolf’s contributions to the construction of British women’s history: her protest against the absence of women’s history and its reason, and her efforts to reconstruct it. The thesis comes to the conclusion that Woolf is the first woman writer in Britain to advocate the construction of British women’s history and has made great contributions, which provides a new direction for the feminist development in the 1960-70s.
keywords:Virginia Woolf  women’s history  logagnosia  tracking down  heteroglossia
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