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蔡慧清 (湖南大学 留学中心湖南 长沙410082) 
中文摘要:朱子学在英语世界的最早译介并非始于裨治文和卫三畏主办的《中国丛报》,而是Edward Cave英译自法文竺赫德的《中华帝国全志》;最早的研究则始于马礼逊和米怜主编的《印中搜闻》。其中对于中国哲学、信仰以及民俗的译介和研究传达出该刊研究与传播朱子学的历史语境,在具体论述该刊朱子学传播和研究之前,有必要对之进行整体观照和梳理。
中文关键词:朱子学  马礼逊  历史语境  《印中搜闻》  英语世界
On the Earliest Dissemination of Research on Zhuism in the English-speaking World(I)
Abstract:The earliest Translation on Zhuism in the English-speaking world did not begin with Chinese Repository hosted by E.C.Bridgman and Samuel Wells Williams, but The General History of China(1734-1741), written by French P. Duhalde, then translated into English by Edward Cave. The earliest research started with The Indo-Chinese Gleaner, edited by Morrison and William Milne, in which translations and researches on Chinese philosophy, beliefs and folks convey a historical context from the research. Thus it is necessary to conduct an overall combing before analyzing the dissemination of research in the journal.
keywords:Zhuism  Robert Morrison  historical context  Indo-Chinese Gleaner  English-speaking world
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