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张小敏 (山西大学 文学院山西 太原030006) 
中文关键词:江户时代  町人文化  日本  《诗经》  人情
Chonin Culture of Edo Period and Research of Book of Songs in Japan
Abstract:The rise of mainstream cultural and ideological trends of Chonin, merchants and artisans who live near the castle, has a significant impact on the Book of Songs in Japan. Poetry in early Edo dominates the Zhu Zhuan. The theoretical innovation is short of source of power. After the rise of chonin culture, the situation has being changed profoundly and new discoveries emerge one after another. Regarding poetry of human sympathy as an opportunity, there appears a large number of new works of poetry, new ideas and new schools. Moreover, it contributes to the comprehensive arrival of conscious era of Japan’s poetry and opens a new poetry era.
keywords:Edo period, Chonin culture , Japan, Book of Songs, human sympathy
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