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张利平 (武汉大学 新闻与传播学院湖北 武汉430073) 
中文关键词:《华尔街日报》  媒介融合  内容融合  新媒体
Study on the Media Convergence Approaches of the Wall Street Journal
Abstract:In the new media era, the traditional media industry, especially the newspaper empire of America has sharply declined in both circulation and advertising income. The decline of newspaper originated from the new media, and the way out also lies in its convergence with the new media. The Wall Street Journal rose in 2008 financial crisis against the tide and became the No. 1 newspaper with the largest circulation in USA in 2009, which is the reward of its courage to embrace the chance and challenges offered by the new media and to explore media convergence approaches. A study on the media convergence approaches of the Wall Street Journal could enlighten the traditional media organizations to embark on media convergence with the new media which falls into three categories: content convergence, terminal convergence and operational channel convergence.
keywords:the Wall Street Journal  media convergence  content convergence  new media
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