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(台湾)曾春海 (中国文化大学 哲学系,台湾 台北100) 
中文关键词:中国哲学  西方哲学  概念范畴研究法  冯友兰  张岱年  方东美  罗光  机体主义
A Review and Prospection of Chinese Philosophy in the Last Century
Abstract:This paper aims at a comparison of academic methodologies between Chinese Philosophy and Western Philosophy since ‘Chinese Philosophy’ entered Chinese higher education. The paper reviews the development and the main achievements of Chinese Philosophy in the last century. In addition, based on the Taiwanese academic circle which I am familiar with, it evaluates the strengths and the weaknesses of Chinese Studies and Philosophy departments in Taiwanese universities in terms of their teaching and development. Finally, this paper offers four concrete suggestions for future research in Chinese Philosophy.
keywords:Chinese philosophy  Western philosophy  concept-category analysis  Fung Yu-Lan  Dai-nian Zhang  Thomé H. Fang  Kuang Lo  organism
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