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雷玉琼,唐红李 (湖南大学 政治与公共管理学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:收受礼品制度  境外  立法  处置  监督
Research on Overseas Institution Preventing Officials from Illegal Gift Acceptance and its’ Enlightenments upon China
Abstract:Some relatively clean countries or regions overseas have formulated institution successfully preventing officials from accepting gifts. The measures adopted can be summarized as follows: legislative ban on illegal gift reception and acceptance, strictly setting value line of reasonable gifts, proper disposal of registered or reported gifts, severe punishment upon illegal behavior and overall supervision upon illegal behavior. Based on the above mentioned measures and in accordance with the problem of officials accepting gifts as well as the present system in China, it is put forward in the paper that the following suggestions may help: make legislation such as “prevention of conflicts of interest ” to ban illegal gift acceptance, strictly regulating the reception of reasonable gifts, standardizing the treatment of registered or reported gifts, enhancing punishment upon illegal gift acceptance, initiating public and professional supervision upon illegal behavior.
keywords:institution preventing officials from illegally accepting gifts  overseas  legislation  disposal and punishment  supervision
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