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刘涵之 (湖南大学 中国语言文学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:沈从文  《雪晴》集  第一人称叙述
On the Narrative Technique of Collection of Xueqing
Abstract:The distance between the author and his hometown created by the first person narration in collection of Xueqing, and the reflection upon the militarism, reflect Shen Congwen’s struggle to adjust his writing strategy of country literature. In collection of Xueqing, the narrator recountting, and thinking with the development of the story, while combining with the discussion and explanatory elements. Apart from the author’s understanding of his uneasiness, it can be viewed from the effect of the narration. On the one hand, it can promote the connection between the poetic realm stressed by the country narration and the reality; on the other hand, it exposes the cruelty of country fights.
keywords:Shen Congwen  collection of Xueqing  the first person narration
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