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朱卫平 (北京大学 哲学系北京100871) 
中文关键词:未发之中  无中生有  谨守其心
A Treatise on Yangming’s Philosophy of Mind Based on His Idea of the “Equilibrium before the Feelings are Aroused”
Abstract:Wang Yangming believes that the equilibrium before the feelings are aroused has two manifestations: one is the original substance of the mind, the pure “Principle of Nature,” which he calls “the present.” The other is a static and balanced mental status, free from any emotional or reflective constraints, which he calls “the absent.” The original substance of the mind is the state of being broad and extremely impartial, unattached by any principle or concealed by any object. Therefore, when the feelings are aroused, each and all attain due measure and degree. At this moment, the “Principle of Nature” is automatically “present,” serving as guidance as one engages himself in his activities. This is Wang Yangming’s teaching of “the present comes out of the absent.” As for the ensuing praxis, one has to guard the integrity of one’s mind to achieve such a status.
keywords:the equilibrium before the feelings are aroused  the present comes out of the absent  guard the integrity of one’s mind
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