引用本文:[德] 劳武利著,李婧嵘译.张家山汉简《奏谳书》与岳麓书院秦简《为狱等状四种》的初步比较[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2013,(3):5-9
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[德] 劳武利著,李婧嵘译 (汉堡大学 亚非学院 中国语言文化系德国汉堡) 
中文关键词:岳麓秦简  《为狱等状四种》  法律术语  诉讼程序  案例分类
The First Result of Comparison between the Paleographic Case Collections “Zouyanshu” from Zhangjiashan and “Wei yu deng zhuang si zhong” from the Yuelu Academy
Abstract:A comparison of the newly acquired bamboo manuscripts of the case collection “Wei yu deng zhuang si zhong” from pre imperial Qin with the “Zouyanshu” from the beginning of the Han dynasty shows a considerable degree of correspondence in legal terminology, the hierarchy of punishments, the principles for determining punishment and the different stages of criminal procedure. Some similarities and differences between the two case collections will be illustrated by each an example of the three common categories of criminal cases (“doubt about the punishment”, “petition for a retrial”, “recommendations of competent investigators for a promotion”). The legal institutions established by the Qin were to a great extent adopted and not substantially altered after the change of dynasty.
keywords:Yuelu Academy Collection of Qin slips  “Wei yu deng zhuang si zhong”  legal terminology  stages of criminal procedure  classification of criminal cases
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