引用本文:[德] 史达 著,李婧嵘 译.岳麓秦简《为狱等状四种》卷册一的编联—依据简背划线和简背反印字迹复原卷轴原貌[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2013,(3):20-25
摘要点击次数: 1143
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[德] 史达 著,李婧嵘 译 (汉堡大学 亚非学院 中国语言文化系德国汉堡) 
中文关键词:岳麓书院藏秦简  《为狱等状四种》  简背划线  简背反印字迹  复原卷轴
The Structure of Manuscript 1 of the “Wei yu deng zhuang si zhong” from the Yuelu Academy Qin Slips — Reconstructing a Manuscript Roll on the Basis of ‘Verso Lines’ and ‘Verso Imprints of Writing’
Abstract:The “Wei yu deng zhuang si zhong” from the Yuelu Academy collection of Qin slips exhibits two phenomena which are sometimes found on the verso of bamboo slip manuscripts, namely knife-carved or ink-drawn lines as well as mirror-inverted imprints of writing. Taking manuscript 1 of the “Zhuang si zhong” as an example it is demonstrated how an analysis of the two phenomena can provide additional evidence for the task of reconstructing the original structure of a manuscript roll. Such an analysis can be applied to archaeologically excavated manuscripts but it is especially useful for those of unknown origin, where information on the original position of the slips at the burial site is scarce or completely unavailable.
keywords:Yuelu Academy Collection of Qin slips  “Wei yu deng zhuang si zhong”  verso lines  verso imprints of writing  reconstruction of a manuscript roll
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