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易永姣 (1.湖南师范大学 文学院湖南 长沙4100812.湖南城市学院 文学院湖南 益阳413000) 
中文关键词:髑髅意象  嬗变  道家  宗教  世情
The Evolution of Skull Imagery in Ancient Literature
Abstract:In ancient Chinese literary works there are a lot of stories about people meeting skull. The skeletons image is obviously experienced Taoism Fest thought in Essays of Pre-Qin Period, Wei and Jin Dynasties; the illusory ingenuity under the domain of religion after the Tang and Song dynasties; weird, enlightenment characteristics under the influence of the living situation ,and so on several major evolution of concept. The evolution of skull image is closely related to Taoism and the religion, which reflect the author's psychological characteristics.
keywords:The skeletons image  evolution  Taoism  the religion  psychological characteristics
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