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王进庄 (1.复旦大学 中文系上海2004332.上海商学院 文法学院上海200235) 
中文关键词:旧派文人  都市言情小说  士子和青楼妓女  才子佳人
Evolution of Traditional Patterns by Old Literatures’ City Romantic Novels in 1920s
Abstract:In 1920s, Old literatures’ romantic novels followed but changed two major patterns: “intellectual and prostitute” and “gentlemen and ladies”: the former separated from aesthetic experience to cities’ malignant features in late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, showed humanitarian sympathy for prostitutes, and trended by the latter; the latter focused on the “sentimentality” to being hard to find the true love, and kinds of “strange emotions” generated in cities’ money worship and driven by new thoughts, described mundane and commonplace love between men and women.
keywords:Old literatures  cities’ romantic novels  intellectual and prostitute  gentlemen and ladies
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