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高玉昆 (国际关系学院 文化与传播系北京100091) 
中文关键词:悖论诗学  杜甫  诗歌  艺术风格
On the Art Style Quality of Du Fu’s Poetry Viewing from Paradox Poetics
Abstract:Du Fu’s poems should not be regarded as a hodge-podge or simple patchwork of other poetry genres, nor should be concluded as originated from “clandestine inspirations” and “eccentric creativity”. Appreciated from modern paradox poetics theory, the unique feature of the brand new style in Du Fu’s poetry, which was regarded as “new change” and “style change” by ancient Chinese poetry commentators, is a typical case of what modern paradox poetics advocates. We should join forces in promoting “Study of Du Fu’s Poetry”to an international realm and asserts the importance of the Study of Du Fu as one part of increasing the “soft power” of Chinese traditional culture in current cultural globalization.
keywords:paradox poetics  Du Fu  poetry  poetical style
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