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唐亚阳,杨果 (湖南大学 马克思主义学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:网络环境  网络思想政治教育  网络文化
Research on Basic Rules of Cyber Ideological and Political Education
Abstract:The rule generation of the cyber ideological and political education is a trinity process in which three kinds of rules interact with each other,including the development rule of cyber culture, the production and development rule of moral character under the cyber environment and the working rule of the cyber ideological and political education. The fusion of culture and technics, the mutualism of reality and fictitions, and the interaction between human and cyber promote the development of cyber culture. Seen from the contradiction point of view, the formation and development of moral character under the cyber environment mainly have the following five characteristics: the “selective expansion understanding”of the ideological and moral development,the “Butterfly Effect” of emotion development, the “Infomation Falls” of will development, the “Ebb and Flow” of belief development and the “Group Polarization” of action development. In order to improve the cyber ideological and political education working, we should firmly combine the online education with offline education, combine the network transmission with internet users’ acception and combine the subjectivity with dominion.
keywords:cyber environment  cyber ideological and political education  cyber culture
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