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李永安 (河南财经政法大学 法学院河南 郑州450002) 
中文关键词:限购令  履行障碍  溯及力  不可抗力
(School of Law,Henan University of Economics and Law, Zhengzhou450002,China )
Abstract:If the purchase limit order is not retroactive, it will result in the purchase limit order exists in name only due to lack of external publicity and was easily circumvented. Conversely, if the purchase limit has a retroactive effect, the law will not achieve alliance with the public interest. In order to balance reasonable protection between public interests and personal interests, the purchase limit order will have retroactive effect before its entry into force, but the retroactive lead to the contract performance obstacles instead of invalidity of the contract. The way of solution to overcome obstacles is to lift contract or agreement, or to do partial performance, or to perform later.
keywords:purchase limit order  performance obstacles  retroactivity  majeure
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