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肖永明,戴书宏 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文摘要:诸家在《论语》“先进”章的分歧体现于字词意义、句式结构、语句内涵等方面。细致考辨之后,清人刘宝楠《论语正义》之说,在上述三个方面皆最为可信。今人杨伯峻依其所作的翻译也甚为可取。然而,刘、杨之说确实存在与史实不合之处。不过,只要将其中的“先学习礼乐而后做官”与“先有了官位而后学习礼乐” 修正为“先学习礼乐而后有资格做官”与“先有资格做官而后学习礼乐”,即可圆满融通。
中文关键词:《论语》  先进  君子  礼乐
The Discrimination of the Xianjin in The Analects
Abstract:These differences of interpretation to the Xianjin in The Analects embodied in words, structure, contents, and so on. After careful analysis, Liu Baonan's Interpretation of The Analects is the most appropriate. The translation of Yang Bojun is also the most desirable, which is based on the Interpretation of The Analects. It is unfortunate that their theory is not perfect. The slightly modified explanation is accurate.
keywords:The Analects  Xianjin  gentleman  rituals
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