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黎跃进 (天津外国语大学 比较文学研究所天津300387) 
中文关键词:东方  现代  民族主义文学思潮  开放性
On the Complexity of the Modern Eastern Nationalism Literature Trend
Abstract:Crossing two continents and lasting for one and half centuries, the trend of modern eastern nationalism literature owns the total complexity as a social trend ‘eastern nationalism’, as well as the inherent complicated characters as ‘literary trend’. In more than 100 years, there have been various forms of it in different periods, and it has showed diverse traditions and characters in different regions. About the key and first be-all subject ‘the survival and development of national country’, different writers took their respective value orientations. Moreover, its manifestations in literary forms were of rich diversity. The trend of modern eastern nationalism literature is a comprehensive system with complexity and openness.
keywords:eastern  modern  trend of nationalism literature  openness
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