引用本文:宁国良, 李雪芹.欧盟与日本性别平等就业政策的比较研究[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2013,(5):106-110
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宁国良, 李雪芹 (湘潭大学 公共管理学院湖南 湘潭411105) 
中文关键词:欧盟  日本  性别平等  就业政策  比较研究
Comparison of Employment Policy in Gender Equality         between European Union and Japan
Abstract:In order to promote gender equality in employment,The European Union and Japan not only ensure the right of equal employment for men and women in policies , but also take various measures to implement policies. There are some similarities in employment policy in gender equality between EU and Japan. The two emphasize strongly to ensure both the right of women and the implementation of policies. Otherwise, There are also some differences between the two. The policy and experience of gender equality in employment in EU and Japan can be learned reasonably to provide some references and enlightenments for us.
keywords:European Union  Japan  gender equality  employment policy  comparison
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