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(日)池田知久 (山东大学 儒学高等研究院山东 济南250100) 
中文摘要:我曾经就睡虎地秦简《语书》中有关“乡俗”的思想做过探讨,明确了《语书》中的“乡俗”思想是受战国末期秦国的墨家“尚同论”的影响而写成的一种强化中央集权的政治思想。本文就有关中国古代“风俗”所持的诸思想中的A与B的对立展开讨论。即:A主张严格管制地方独自“风俗”的 《语书》、墨家、法家的中央集权思想以及儒家的“移风易俗”思想。B倡导天下、国家承认地方的各种“风俗”,并且应该依照其风俗施行政治的《淮南子·齐俗》篇等地方分权思想。
中文关键词:睡虎地《语书》  《淮南子·齐俗》  风俗  中央集权  地方分权  移风易俗
The Shuihudi “Yushu” and “Huainanzi”'s “Qisu-pian” Questions Surrounding “Social Custom” and Centralized vs. Localized Authority
Abstract:I have previously explored the thinking in the Qin bamboo slip text, “Yushu”, unearthed at Shuihudi, and clearly demonstrated that the political philosophy of the “Yushu” concerning “local custom”, under the influence of the late-Warring States Mohist doctrine of “Conformity” current in the state of Qin, was one which advocated the strengthening of central authority and power. In this talk, I would like to address the ancient Chinese thinking regarding “customs” by examining the relevant texts in an “A-B” juxtaposition: “A” being those who supported centralized authority and, thus, advocated a strict regulation of local custom, namely, the authors of the “Yushu”, the Mohists, the Legalists, and the Confucian “change local habits and transform social customs”(移风易俗) school of thought; and “B” being the Huainanzi's chapter on localization of authority,“Qisu-pian”, which not only proposed official government acknowledgement and recognition of all the various local customs, but the fashioning of local government policies around those customs.
keywords:The Shuihudi “Yushu”  “Huainanzi”'s “Qisu-pian”  customs,centralized government  decentralization  change local habits and transform social customs
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