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余菜花 (东南大学 经济管理学院江苏 南京211189) 
中文摘要:基于知识图谱理论,采用Citespace软件,对CSSCI中1998-2011年间的产业集聚研究相关文献的关键词、被引文献、发文和被引作者、发文期刊和被引期刊、机构等进行可视化分析。发现产业集聚研究主要围绕产业集聚、产业集群发展的动力及其演化、产业集群竞争力、产业集群升级和产业集群创新研究五个方面展开;聂鸣、胡汉辉、王缉慈、魏江教授等为重要学者;国际和国内一些权威的机构或者课题组以及有关产业集聚概念、理论等开创性研究成果被引较多;《科技进步与对策》、《科技管理研究》、《科学学与科学技术管理》等为高载文期刊;《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《中国工业经济》、American Economic Review、Harvard Business Review等为高被引期刊;南京大学商学院、东南大学经济管理学院、华中科技大学管理学院为高发文机构。多角度清晰地展示了产业集聚研究领域的知识结构视图,为深入研究提供参考。
中文关键词:产业集聚  中国  知识图谱
An analysis of Mapping Knowledge Domains of China’s Industry Agglomeration Research
Abstract:Using visualizing technology to analyze and show the research fields, typical scholars, major research institutions, and the important journals of China’s industry agglomeration has a certain significance to understand and grasp of the status quo of China’s industry agglomeration. Based on the theory of Mapping Knowledge Domains, this article uses Citespace to analyze articles of industry agglomeration research from CSSCI (1998 to 2011) and gets a series of knowledge maps of key words, authors, institutions, and so on. It was found that this research mainly focus on industry clusters’ evolution, competitiveness, upgrade and innovation. Professor Nie Ming, Hu Haihui, Wei Jiang are the most prolific scholars in China’s industry agglomeration. Authoritative institutes and groups, or the authors of groundbreaking research have higher indexed. Science and technology progress and policy has the most amounts of industry agglomeration articles, followed by Science and technology management research, science of science and management of S. Economic research journal, management world, China industry economics, American Economic Review, Harvard Business Review are journals with higher cited times. School of business Nanjing University is the most issued document institution, followed by School of Economics and Management Southeast University. This provides a chance for exploring and promoting the development of industry agglomeration research.
keywords:industry agglomeration  China  mapping knowledge domains
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