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蔡方鹿,胡长海 (四川师范大学 政治教育学院四川 成都610068) 
中文关键词:张栻  “异端”观  佛教  杨墨  词章之学  霸道政治
Research on the Heresy View of Zhang Shi
Abstract:Considering the nature as noumenon and putting the Confucian morality and political governance as the basic standard, Zhang Shi regards these thoughts as “heresy” which are Buddhism and Taoism, Yang Mo, the education of reciting the text and the way of might. Zhang Shi criticizes “heresy”to maintain the orthodoxy of Confucianism. He points out that Buddhism is fictitious, Yang Mo deviate Ren Yi, the education of reciting the text and the way of might tend to be utilitarian. This reflects the value of Hunan School criteria.
keywords:Zhang Shi  heresy view  Buddhism  Yang Mo  the education of reciting the text  the way of might
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