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(中国台湾)曾春海 (中国文化大学 哲学系台湾 台北) 
中文关键词:程颢  程颐  老子  庄子  天理  仁爱  万物一体
The Difference between Cheng Brothers' Lixue towards Taoism
Abstract:the Cheng Bothers (Cheng Yi and Cheng Hao) of Sung Dynasty were familiar with Taoism and Buddhism, both rejected Buddhism, but not Taoism. The metaphysics and methodology of character cultivation of both were deeply influenced by the Taoist thoughts. Actually, they both integrated some basic elements in Taoism into their own Neo-Confucianism, and create a new look of their lixue. For example, “tian-li” originally came from the Book of Chuang-Zhu, Chuang zhu took it as an innate law of nature or natural principles according to which the existence and movement of all things follow, the Cheng brothers went further to transform it into the moral principles that human beings should follow. Both Cheng brothers think that cultivating moral character is the chief aim of education, and this is an obvious distinction from Taoism.
keywords:Cheng Yi  Cheng Hao  Lao Tzu  Chuang Tzu  Tien-li  Ren-ai  Unity of all things
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