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沈顺福 (山东大学 儒学高等研究院山东济南250100) 
中文关键词:胡宏      儒家  佛教
Being Nature or Being Mind? On Hu Hong’s Philosophical Theme
Abstract:Human nature is one of Hu Hong’s principal philosophical themes. He contends that nature is the foundation of the world, which is beyond good and evil. The ineffableness of nature accounts for this position. Meanwhile, Hu Hong proposes that mind is the great foundation of the world. The mind, which is able to cognize and master, is the key to accomplish the nature. As a sequel, it is regarded as the great foundation. Hu Hong borrows mind from Buddhism to prove Confucian nature. The emphasis of experience and practical usage is the center of his theory. Thereby, mind is Hu Hong’s real principal theme.
keywords:Hu Hong  nature  mind  Confucian  Buddhism
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