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毛宣国 ( 中南大学 文学院湖南 长沙410083) 
中文关键词:弗莱  修辞批评  隐喻  文类
Northrop Frye's Theory on the Rhetorical Criticism
Abstract:Northrop Frye used to be regarded as the representative of myth and archetypal criticism. In fact, his theoretical achievements go far beyond this range. Rhetorical Criticism is also a kind of critical theory and method to which he attaches great importance .Frye's understanding of rhetoric has greatly surpassed the field of rhetoric skills.He insists that the rhetoric is the fundamental characteristics of the literary discourse and the important means of communication between Literature and society ,authors and readers. There are two main points in his rhetoric theory: one is the stress on metaphor, the other is the rhetorical research about genre,it has had a significant impact on the understanding of the literary language and literary type of western modern literature theory .
keywords:Northrop Frye  Rhetorical Criticism  metaphor  genre
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