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[德]史达 (汉堡大学 亚非学院 中国语言文化系德国 汉堡) 
中文关键词:岳麓书院藏秦简  《为狱等状四种》  新见漏简  编联
A Newly-discovered Slip of the Yuelu Academy “Wei Yu Deng Zhuang Si Zhong” and the Structure of Case No. 6
Abstract:A newly-discovered slip that belongs to the Yuelu Academy “Wei yu deng zhuang si zhong” sheds new light on the structure of case no. 6. Analysis shows that the “eight charges”, which are at the centre of this case, are rendered repeatedly: once in more elaborate and once in concise form. The newly-discovered slip J15 belongs to the beginning of case no. 6 and contains the more elaborate description of the first two of overall eight charges. Consequently, the order of the slips that was proposed by the editors warrants a slight revision towards the following order: J15-[missing slip]-096-097-095-098-099-100.
keywords:Yuelu Academy collection of Qin slips  Wei yu deng zhuang si zhong  newly-discovered slip  structure
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