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徐梓 (北京师范大学 教育学部北京100875) 
中文关键词:东佳书堂  东佳书院  陈崇  陈衮
A Verification of Dongjia Learning House
Abstract:Dongjia Learning House was a family education institution which was founded by the Chen Family in Jiangzhou. It was generally recognized as the earliest academy with clear historical record and educational attribute. Nevertheless,divergence exists on institution’s founder and exact founding time. This paper examines historical documents including Yimen Jiafa written by Chen Chong in the Dashun First Year of Tang Dynasty and Chenshi Shutang Ji written by Xu Kai in the early Song Dynasty. Evidence shows that Chen Chong, who just put forward the blueprint of the learning house in the late Tang Dynasty, was not the founder. Dongjia Learning House was actually founded by Chen Gun in the Five Dynasties, since when ancient Chinese academies emanated.
keywords:Dongjia Learning House  Dongjia Academy  Chen Chong  Chen Gun
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