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周国林,孙建伟 (华中师范大学 历史文化学院湖北 武汉430079) 
中文关键词:张舜徽  抗战时期  蓝田国师  壮议轩
Mr. ZHANG Shun-hui’s Academic Achievements in Hunan during the Anti-Japanese War Period
Abstract:It was extremely important for ZHANG Shun-hui’s academic career to teach in Lan-tian Normal College in Hunan during the Anti-Japanese War period. Subsequently,Mr. Zhang stood on a higher academic platform, and formed his academic views by having extensive dialogues with many scholars. In Lan-tian, Mr. Zhang read large collections of books and wrote articles hard.Meanwhile,he accumulated material and made plans for his later works. Mr. Zhang’s outstanding achievements in academic research was inseparable from the experiences in Lan-tian.
keywords:ZHANG Shun-hui  the Anti-Japanese War period  Lan-tian Normal College  Zhuang-yi Xuan
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