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尹金凤 (湖南师范大学 新闻与传播学院,湖南 长沙410081) 
中文关键词:道德偶像  建构  解码  制码
On Encoding and Decoding of Constructing Moral Idol on CCTV “News Broadcast”
Abstract:The news media often construct moral idols to promote mainstream values and moral education. We researched on the communication effect of the construction activities of moral idol on the CCTV “News Broadcast” ,finding that audience conducted diversified decoding of the moral idol. The first is to agree what encoded totally, the second is negotiated decoding,the third is oppositional decoding. Diversified decoding of audiences aroused the concern for the encode strategy of the column. When “News Broadcast” constructed the moral idol, they tended to use propaganda voice on building moral “myth”; they frequently mixed political symbols in moral construction; and they often emphasized the collective value to be the priority,even the supreme. Obviously,there is even more space for the improvement of these encoding strategies.
keywords:moral idol  construction  decode  encode
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