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周卉,谭跃 (1.暨南大学 管理学院广东 广州5106322.北京师范大学 珠海分校 国际商学院 广东 珠海519085) 
中文关键词:投资  股价  市场学习  投资者私人信息
Investment Decisions and Market-learning Effect
Abstract:Using the data from the non-bank A share companies during the period of 2008 to 2013, this paper studies whether managers will learn from the market when they make investment decisions,that is, whether managers will rely on the private information incorporated in the stock price to adjust the investment. Empirical results show that the investment level is positively related to the stock price level and the higher the private information incorporated in the stock price, the higher sensitivity can be found between the investment level and the stock price level. Besides, when the ownership concentration and the proportion of independent board are higher,as well for companies in the growth industry, managers are more likely to rely on the stock price information. Further research shows that the market-learning effect has improved the future performance.
keywords:investment  stock price  learning from the market  private information of investors
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