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王胜军 (贵州大学 中国文化书院贵州 贵阳 550025) 
中文关键词:熊赐履  四书学  诠释  理学
The Interpretation Features of Xiong Cilv's The Four Books Theory on the Emperor Education
Abstract:Xiong Cilv is a renowned Neo-Confucian minister in the early Qing Dynasty and his interpretation of The Four Books has distinctive features on the emperor education which mainly demonstrate in three aspects: in philosophy, honoring Cheng-Zhu and identifying Confucian orthodoxy; in style,directly expressing the main meaning and making it easy to understand ; in practical level, stretching from Confucian classics to politics and rectifying the emperor moral by Dao.The Four Books theory of Xiong Cilv is the typical spreading of the theory in the political reality and it is an indispensable part of The Four Books theory research.
keywords:Xiong Cilv  The Four books theory  interpretation  Neo-Confucianism
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