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彭小球,罗昕如 (1.湖南师范大学 文学院湖南 长沙4100812.湖南城市学院 文学院湖南 益阳413000) 
中文关键词:XA  状态形容词  程度
The Study of XA State Adjectives in Yiyang Dialect of Hunan
Abstract:XA state adjectives in Yiyang Dialect are fairly abundant, which represent various meanings such as sight, taste, smell, touch, hearing and so on. Except a small portion of the words which represent a specific meaning, the first word X of most XA state adjectives is grammaticalized, which means that the adjective represents no specific lexical meaning but simply enhances the degree of A. The next word A is the major root morpheme of the whole structure. XA has a variety of forms to enhance the degree of A. In the sentence, it may work as predicate, attributive, complement or adverbial. Certain words can be subject and object. And it possesses personal traits different from other dialects such as Mandarin and Changsha Dialect.
keywords:XA  state adjectives  degree
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