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龙佳解,马洪川 (湖南大学 马克思主义学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:霍耐特  物化  马克思  异化  比较
The Comparison of Honneth's Reification Theory and Marx's Alienation Theory
Abstract:In social criticism theory, Honneth starts from the normative commitment that each individual should be equal, and believes that reification is a concept of pathology upon principle recognition. Reification describes the forgotten recognition in the process of interaction between subjects. It adds new meaning to reification by "recognition forgotten". Unlike the perspective of Honneth, Marx's theory of labor alienation criticizes "the capital logic". Also, it analyzes and criticizes the fact of alienation relationship between subject and object in capitalist social production activity by applying the theory of people's free and all-round development. Although they both use the similar concepts of "alienation" and "reification", the two ideas essentially have different contexts, signified and theoretical connotations. However, as social critical theory, they share the same theoretical properties and practical demands.
keywords:Honneth  reification  Marx  alienation  comparison
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