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李清良,张丰赟 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:诠释学诉求  诠释学反思  中国诠释学  现代中国学术  诠释之道
Hermeneutic Demands of Chinese Academia in the New Century
Abstract:In the new century, many Chinese scholars have put forward certain hermeneutic demands like “return to China” and “return to classics”, which set base on the reflections of the modern Chinese academy, to break through those models of interpretation too westernized or too modernized. These hermeneutic demands make it clear that the study of “Chinese hermeneutics” have turned into the inner necessity and the priority of modern Chinese academy.
keywords:hermeneutic demand  hermeneutic reflection  Chinese hermeneutics  modern Chinese academy  the way of interpretation
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