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陈力祥 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:王船山    家风  王夫之  家风培育
A Glimpse of Wang Chuanshan's Family Tradition of Virtue and Ritual from the Perspective of Classics Interpretations
Abstract:The thought of Chuanshan originated from the comment on Six Classics, which offers a glimpse of Wang Chuanshan's thought of family tradition. Chuanshan's thought of family tradition emphasizes moral cultivation, self-training, and daily contact based on ritual. Also, all these ideas impose extreme significance on virtue and ritual, both theoretically and practically. The logical thinking stretches from virtue to ritual and extends from inside to outside. As for the cultivation of family tradition, Chuanshan strengthens personal morality and demonstrates the education based on ethical code, virtue and ritual.
keywords:Wang Chuanshan  ritual  family tradition  Wang Fuzhi  cultivation of family tradition
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