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黄海德 (华侨大学 哲学与社会发展学院福建 厦门361021) 
中文关键词:《庄子·天下篇》  《汉书·艺文志》  诸子  百家  学术史
On the Academic Divisions between Zhuang Zi Tian Xia Pian and Han Shu Yi Wen Zhi
Abstract:The Pre-Qin thought was the flourishing stage of Chinese traditional culture, and the original thoughts of Hundred Schools of Thought basically laid the academic pattern of Chinese ideology and culture after Qin and Han Dynasties. Zhuang Zi Tian Xia Pian appeared in the late warring states period, while Han Shu Yi Wen Zhi began in the early Eastern-Han Dynasty. Both are now seen to be two important documents on summarizing and appraising the Pre-Qin thought. However, due to the difference in historical backgrounds and academic discourses, as well as diverse academic visions and commenting tenets on Pre-Qin thinkers, Zhuang Zi Tian Xia Pian stood on Daoism to evaluate Pre-Qin thinkers, while Han Shu Yi Wen Zhi used Fang Shu to list Pre-Qin Schools, thus forming two different academic divisions, and exerting an extremely far-reaching influence on the Chinese academic history for more than two thousand years.
keywords:Zhuang Zi Tian Xia Pian  Han Shu Yi Wen Zhi  Pre-Qin thinkers  Pre-Qin Schools  academic history
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