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苟东锋 (华东师范大学 哲学系上海200241) 
中文关键词:正名    早期名学  名分  名声
Exploring the Source of Confucius Idea of Zhengming
Abstract:Confucius theory of Zhengming didn't come from nowhere but from the deep reflection of Ming at the pre-Confucius period. Great significance has been attached to Ming due to its close relation to the rites and music culture, which provides two developing paths for Ming. One is the political path relevant to status. The other is the moral path connected to reputation. It is Confucius who inherited and developed these two paths. We can reach a conclusion that Confucius Zhengming thought cannot be simply considered as the origin of the trend of rethinking about logic in ancient China, but the beginning of the Confucian argumentation Saint and Emperor.
keywords:Zhengming  Ming  early anthroponymy  status  reputation
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