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张景 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:养生  形神兼养  内容结构  灵魂不死
Several Problems about Zhuangzi’s Essay Yangsheng Zhu
Abstract:There are three problems in Zhuangzi’s essay Yangsheng Zhu. Firstly ,“health primary” means “the main principles of preserving one's health”, rather than “Care-Lord of life ——spirit”; the purport of the paper is a unity of preserving both the body and the mentality, rather than just resting to restore energy. Secondly, structure of the whole paper stretches as follows: the first section works as a commanding summation, following by four stories, “body preserving (skilled and magical craftsmanship)-resting to attain mental tranquility (Gongwen Xuan)-body preserving (a pheasant)-resting to attain mental tranquility (the death of Lao Dan)”. All these stories are presented repeatedly to elaborate the spirit of comprehensive maintenance, which impress readers deeply. Thirdly, the dictum“even the firewood burns up, the fire never dies out”was said by Qin Yi, which intends to appeal that never feel sad for death, since the dead part is simply the body, and the soul does live on.
keywords:keeping in good health  preserving both the body and the mentality  content and structure  immortality of soul
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