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彭建刚,邹克,张倚胜 (湖南大学 金融与统计学院 金融管理研究中心湖南 长沙410079) 
中文关键词:不良贷款率  格兰杰因果检验;信用风险;宏观审慎监管;微观审慎监管
A Granger Causality Test of Non-performing Loan Ratio Affect to the Banking Industry
Abstract:In the 5% level of significance, non-performing loan ratio exists a one-way granger causality relationship on capital gains rate, net interest margin, and capital adequacy; the deposit loan ratio, liquidity ratio exists a one-way granger causality relationship on non-performing loan ratio; while the granger causality relationship of the provision coverage ratio and non-performing loan ratio are different in different lag. When the non-performing loan ratio rises, commercial banks should not choose a high loan interest rate loan project to achieve its business performance by taking more risk. In the controllable premise of systemic risk, regulators and central banks can implement counter-cyclical adjustment by increasing tolerance selectively and appropriately, and allowing some commercial banks or business lines to adjust to the provision of capital standards to reduce its pro-cyclical. Commercial banks should pay more attention to the balance between profitability, liquidity, security, while handle the non-performing loan rate of increase rationally.
keywords:non-performing loan ratio  Granger Causality Test  credit risk  macro-prudential supervision  micro-prudential supervision
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