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张光磊,胡广超 (武汉理工大学 管理学院湖北 武汉430070) 
中文摘要:面对激烈的市场竞争,研发人员日益成为企业可持续发展的支柱力量。在既有研究的基础上重构了基于研发人员的双元(dual-concern model)人力资源管理模型(维持导向与绩效导向人力资源管理子系统),探索了绩效与维持导向人力资源管理子系统通过工作家庭促进与工作家庭冲突中介影响留职意愿的作用机制。
中文关键词:人力资源管理系统  留职意愿  工作家庭促进  工作家庭冲突
Human Resource Management System and R&D Employees' Retention Intention——A Study Based on the Mediating Effect of Work-family Facilitation and Work-family Conflict
Abstract:Faced with fierce market competition, R&D employees are increasingly becoming a pillar of strength for sustainable development of enterprises. The study proposes a dual (dual-concern model) human resource management model (maintenance-oriented and performance-oriented human resource management subsystem) of researchers, in order to explore the mechanism that how performance-oriented and maintenance-oriented human resource management subsystem affect retention intention through mediator called work-family relationships.
keywords:human resource management system  retention intention  work-family facilitation  work-family conflict
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