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石莉萍 (中南大学 商学院,湖南 长沙410083) 
中文关键词:双边市场  媒体竞争  跨媒介  三网融合
An Analysis on Cross-media Competition Effect in Media Based on Two-sided Markets
Abstract:Based on the current background of “Triple Play” and the concept of two-sided markets theory, this essay constructs a media industry cross-media competition model. Model analysis shows that the expansion of cross-media platform would increase the number of consumers, advertisements, and advertising expenses. However, there exists a critical point for cross-media platform expansion investment. The cross-media expansion would increase the profit of media platform only if the investment number is less than the critical point. By the increasing number of advertisement-averse consumer ratio, final equilibrium advertising fees and profits for both media platform will decrease, and the amount of cross-media expansion advertising media platforms and consumers will decrease. Comparatively, the amount of none-cross-media expansion advertisements media platforms and consumers will increase. The conclusion would benefit the cross-media expansion of enterprises and policy-making of the government.
keywords:two-sided markets  media competition  cross-media  Triple Play
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