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杨艳,陈晓湘,张琴 (湖南大学 外国语学院,湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:最简方案  语段  语段推导
The Derivation by Phase in Minimalism Program
Abstract:From the Government and Binding Theory in the 1980sto the Minimalism Program (MP) in the 1990s, Chomsky's generative grammar has been making great progress, and the innovation will never end. The paper gives a detailed introduction to the latest development of Chomsky's theory of syntax, that is, the phase theory in MP. It introduces the grammar system in MP and the definition of phase, and then elaborates on the derivation by phase and discusses the profound influence of the Phase Theory on the biolinguistic study.
keywords:Minimalism Program  phase  derivation by phase
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