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艾朝阳,刘正光 (湖南大学 外国语学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:语言边界  边界  道德经  周易  语言哲学
Interpretation of the Language Boundary in China's Ancient Classics——Based on Dao De Jing and Yi Jing: Law of Yin Yang
Abstract:The introduction of language boundary by Heidegger and Wittgenstein has aroused great attention in Europe. This paper interprets the boundary of language in two ancient Chinese classics Dao De Jing and Yi Jing: Law of Yin Yang, finding that the philosophy of language boundary plays an essential part in the history of philosophy in ancient China, and that Yi Jing: Law of Yin Yang is exactly an important holdover of Dao De Jing, indicating a systematic extension of ancient China's ideological development as to the boundary of language. This is to conclude that China's philosophy of language boundary emerged more than 2,000 years earlier to that of European continent. The discovery also helps to explore the philosophy of language in ancient China.
keywords:the boundary of language  boundary  Dao De Jing  YI Jing  Language philosophy
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