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傅湘龙 (湖南大学 文学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:《诗媛八名家集》  辑刊  文献价值  家国情怀
A Preliminary Research of Shi Yuan Ba Ming Jia Ji Compiled by Zou Yi
Abstract:The publisher Zou Yi successively compiled and published several works by female writers during the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty. Shi Yuan Ba Ming Jia Ji, as his first anthology, not only preserves a large number of poems of Huang Yuanjie, Wu Qi, Wu Shan and Bian Mengjue, but also provides a parametric version for Liu Rushi's poems. Therefore, this anthology presents significant value of document collection and collation. In particular, the editor published eight “contemporary” famous women works with extreme religiosity and admiration that implicated his national feelings completely and comprehensively.
keywords:Shi yuan ba ming jia ji  compile and publish  literature value  national feelings
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