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吴仰湘 (湖南大学 岳麓书院,湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:牟润孙  经学史  经史关系  “经史合一的史学”
Reviews on Mou Rensun’s Studies of History of Confucian Classics
Abstract:Mou Rensun, a contemporary scholar with high reputation, was proficient in Confucian classics and history, while his achievements in history were paid more attention. Mou not only made excellent explanation and interpretation to the words and significance of Confucian classics such as Lunyu, Daxue and Gongyangzhuan, but also gave unique investigation and discussion on the development and transformation of the history of Confucian classics since Han Dynasty, which led to many of his noticeable accomplishments. Moreover, based on his understanding of Confucian classics and history originated together, Mou strongly advocated that Confucian classics was the same as history, and firmly insisted that history combined Confucian classics together. In fact, Mou suggested to restore Chinese academy tradition due to his dissatisfaction of the declining of Confucian classics and the westernizing of history in modern China.
keywords:Mou Runsun  history of Confucian classics  the relationship between Confucian classics and history  history combining Confucian classics together
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