牟润孙经学史研究述评 |
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引用本文:吴仰湘.牟润孙经学史研究述评[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2015,(5):113-119 |
摘要点击次数: 1438 |
全文下载次数: 40 |
中文摘要:牟润孙博通经史,在海内外享有盛誉,可惜学界重其史学而略其经学。他不仅对《论语》、《大学》、《公羊传》等经书的文句与义意有独到的解说,也对汉魏以来的经学变迁作了别致的探讨,各种具体研究成果引人瞩目,但最值得指出的是,他根据经史同源的原理,作出“经学皆史学”的论断,再反思两汉以来经史分合的利弊得失,提出“经史合一的史学”说,堪称晚年定论。牟润孙在其学术臻于精熟之际,针对现代中国经学消亡、史学西化,力矫时弊,从经学史的苦心探求中,彰明中国古代经史合一的优良传统,期望恢复“经史合一的史学”,融经学入史学,为中国现代史学发展指明方向。 |
中文关键词:牟润孙 经学史 经史关系 “经史合一的史学” |
Reviews on Mou Rensun’s Studies of History of Confucian Classics |
Abstract:Mou Rensun, a contemporary scholar with high reputation, was proficient in Confucian classics and history, while his achievements in history were paid more attention. Mou not only made excellent explanation and interpretation to the words and significance of Confucian classics such as Lunyu, Daxue and Gongyangzhuan, but also gave unique investigation and discussion on the development and transformation of the history of Confucian classics since Han Dynasty, which led to many of his noticeable accomplishments. Moreover, based on his understanding of Confucian classics and history originated together, Mou strongly advocated that Confucian classics was the same as history, and firmly insisted that history combined Confucian classics together. In fact, Mou suggested to restore Chinese academy tradition due to his dissatisfaction of the declining of Confucian classics and the westernizing of history in modern China. |
keywords:Mou Runsun history of Confucian classics the relationship between Confucian classics and history history combining Confucian classics together |
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