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曾祥云 (南京政治学院上海校区江苏 南京210003) 
中文关键词:中国化马克思主义  马克思主义  继承  发展  认识论
On The Internal Relations of Marxism with Chinese Marxism——A Thinking Based on Philosophical Epistemology Dimension
Abstract:Chinese Marxism is an important theoretical achievement in the process of Marxism Snicization. The logical structure includes the analysis and judgment of China's national conditions, the exploration of the Chinese revolution road and socialist construction road, as well as the creation of Chinese revolution and socialist construction methods .From the perspective of epistemology, Chinese Marxism as a theoretical form of Chinese Marxism, has an inevitable internal connection with Marxism. It is not only the inheritance of the regularity of Marxism, but also the purposiveness development of Marxism.
keywords:Chinese Marxism  Marxism  inheritance  development  epistemology
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