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魏雷东 (河南师范大学 青少年问题研究中心河南 新乡453007) 
中文关键词:道德思维  道德规范  道德语言  道德共识
Logical Structure and Form Evolution of Moral Thought: Specification, Language and Consensus
Abstract:Moral thought is an important way and special style in the conceptual work of human beings. To a great extent,human moral behavior is dominated and constrained by the level of moral thought. As the main content of ethical research, moral thought undergoes a diachronic paradigm shift and synchronic theory fusion with the evolution of ethical theory paradigm. By exploring the logical relationship of moral thought, structure factor analysis and form evolution, the author can clarify the topics shift in theory and update the research methods from ontology to epistemology and practice theory. The evolution process from integrated thinking to analytical thinking and reflective thinking of moral thought can help us understand deeply the theoretical value and practical significance of human life and social development influenced by moral thought, moral language and moral consensus.
keywords:moral thought  moral rule  moral language  moral consensus
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