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刘春雷 (山东大学 哲学与社会发展学院山东 济南250100) 
中文关键词:《焦氏易林》  《诗经》与《易经》  焦林值日  卦气说  汉代易学
The Yi-ology Construction of The Book Jiao Shi Yi Lin
Abstract:Jiao Shi Yi Lin,the interpretive masterpiece of Book of Changes in Han Dynasty, is a dynamic integration of Book of Songs and Book of Changes. It is composed by 4,096 sequence derived from Hexagram. Each sequence has a poem for its explanation. The Hexagram used as the background of each divination is called Jiao Lin Zhi Ri. It indicates the presence of the divination and becomes the key to activating the energy of the book. As the succession and innovation of Book of Changes,this masterpiece creates a colorful and restless world of symbols and needs deeper researches.
keywords:Jiao Shi Yi Lin  Book of Songs and Book of Changes  Jiao Lin Zhi RI  theory of guaqi  Yi-ology in the Han Dynasty
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